“Make your face shine on your servant; save me in your steadfast love!” (Psalm 31:16 ESV).

David requested God’s help based on God’s attributes rather than on his own worthiness. He didn’t negotiate with God, offering to make a sacrifice or some other payment. No, he based his supplications on God’s ability and willingness to bless. Notice how David prayed, asking God to make His “face shine” on him like a father showing him favor. He asked God to “save” him according to God’s “steadfast love,” which is God’s “chesed” love, His unfailing, covenantal love.

We can do the same. We can ask for God to shine down on us and save us based on His divine favor and unfailing love. In fact, we can pray in the Name of Jesus, upon whom God’s favor rests and in whom He has expressed His unfailing love toward us for all time.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we call on You today, knowing that You have promised to hear us and to answer. We pray, trusting in Your love and favor toward us in Christ Jesus. We make our requests, knowing that if we ask for bread, You will not give us a stone. For You are a good Father and You always give good gifts. We trust You and ask for Your blessing today. In Jesus’ name, amen.