“And when they had appointed elders for them in every church, with prayer and fasting they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed” (Acts 14:23 ESV).

After Paul and Barnabas preached the gospel and made many disciples in city after city, they returned to each city to appoint elders in every church. In this way, a gospel centered, church-planting movement began to sweep across the Roman world. The speed with which the early church spread seems unbelievable, yet within this account we might find explanation.

First, the Scripture reported that after preaching the gospel they made disciples in every city. They weren’t simply making church goers, they made disciples, people who were serious followers of Jesus.

Second, after they would return to a city, they would consider which of their disciples had shown themselves faithful. Then, with much prayer and fasting they would appoint those that the Spirit had confirmed to them as elders.

Finally, they entrusted the ministry to these that were young in the faith without holding them back. They could’ve stayed in any of these cities themselves as the most qualified elders. Yet they trusted that the Lord would complete the work that they had begun in them.

How can we learn from the ministry of the early church in the raising up of young leaders today?

PRAYER: Dear Father, we pray for a gospel movement in our cities today. We pray for wisdom to raise up young people whose hearts will be set afire for You. Give us insight to know how to raise up the next generation and to lay hands on them to lead in Your ministry. In Jesus’ name, amen.