“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36 ESV).

When Jesus looks at us, what does He see? He sees a world of people who are “harassed and helpless.” What is His response? He has “compassion” for us because we are “like sheep without a shepherd.”

Do you see what Jesus sees? Have you ever asked the Lord to let you see through His eyes? When we see others as Christ does, we see their confusion, we see their helplessness. We see their lostness. Seeing through the Lord’s eyes, His Spirit fills us with compassion for them. But we have to really look. Not just with a passing glance. We have to look closely with spiritual eyes.

When they see that we really see them and care for them, then they are open to hear about the Shepherd of our souls. For their deepest need is for someone to introduce them to Jesus.

PRAYER: O Lord, we are often afraid to really look at others because we don’t want to see the depth of their need. We’re afraid they’ll ask us for something. We don’t want to get out of our comfort zone. Yet, You want us to see others as You do. And to see them with love and compassion. Help us Lord. We want to see others through Your eyes today. In Jesus name, Amen.