“I will sing of steadfast love and justice; to you, O LORD, I will make music” (Psalm 101:1 ESV).

David understood something about God’s “love and justice.” He had learned both the loving mercy and the holy righteousness of God. He therefore determined to sing and make music to the Lord, worshiping Him in fullness of understanding.

Some today worship a false god. They have a false or inadequate image of God built on an “either/or” perspective. They “either” focus too much on God’s love, making Him a saccharine sweet, permissive push-over grandparent with a white beard (like Santa). “Or” they see an angry judge who is to blame for every war, disease, terrorist attack and natural disaster that befalls us.

However, the Lord’s character is not simply “either/or,” but “both/and.” He is both full of love and justice. The two traits are fully and equally His. Certainly the greatest revelation of God’s love and justice is seen in the cross of Christ. It was God’s great love that sent His Son and God’s perfect justice that was satisfied by Christ’s sacrifice. At the cross we see God’s love and justice made manifest.

Therefore, let us sing and make music to God, especially singing of Jesus, the supreme revelation of His love and justice.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we want to worship You in Spirit and in Truth, knowing that You are both steadfast in love and perfect in justice. We worship You with knowledge because You have revealed Yourself to us through Your Word and through Your Son, Jesus. Yet, we would know You more. Help us to grow in knowing and following You. In Jesus’ name, amen.