“For if I preach the gospel, that gives me no ground for boasting. For necessity is laid upon me. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!” (1 Corinthians 9:16 ESV).

The apostle Paul reminded the Corinthians of his credentials as an apostle and a preacher of the gospel. He called them to consider how he had worked with his own hands to provide for himself, so that he could offer the good news without charge. He told them that while he might boast in how he had given them the gospel freely, he couldn’t boast in his preaching. For the Lord had put this calling on him and the burden lay heavy on him.

I think the calling to preach the gospel began stirring in me when I was a young boy aged 9 or 10. I spent a lot of time on my grandparent’s farm in those days. It was my grandmother who first began to tell me that she thought I was going to be a preacher when I grew up. I disagreed and insisted I was going to help raise chickens with my Papaw. Turns out, she was right. God called me to preach. But I do still love chicken. 🙂

I actually acknowledged the call to preach when I was 19 years old. I was attending a Christian conference for college students and the speaker instructed anyone who felt God calling them to the ministry to stand up. I looked around to see who would stand up, when I suddenly realized that I was standing up! I seriously don’t remember telling my legs to stand. But there I was, standing with tears pouring down my face.

Flash forward 11 years. I was 30 years old, married with three kids, a mortgage and a good corporate job. And I still hadn’t answered the call to preach. I taught Sunday school, I sang in the choir, I served on church committees, I was a deacon. I was trying to serve without selling out completely. Yet, I knew that God wanted my all in all. I was afraid, but like Paul, I felt compelled. My misery grew so great. For it’s miserable to run from God’s call. Just ask Jonah. So I finally surrendered. I quit my job, went to seminary, and planted a church where I’ve been preaching the gospel now for over 32 years.

Like Paul, I can’t boast about this calling. Like Jonah, I tried my best to run from it. Yet now, all these years later, I’m so thankful. How terrible it would be for me if I didn’t preach the gospel.

What’s God calling you to do?

PRAYER: Dear Father, thank You for the calling and purpose You give to our lives. For those who don’t know their calling, reveal it. To those who are running from their calling, pursue them. And to those who are answering their calling, strengthen them. Most of all, thank You for calling us to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.