“I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar” (Psalm 101:3 NLT).

David wrote this psalm, beginning nearly every verse with the personal pronoun, “I.” The psalm shows his desire to have a predetermined and settled code of conduct in facing certain situations that might tempt him to sin. In verse 3, he declared a determination to practice a discipline of the eyes. When anything vile and vulgar crossed his path, he would refuse to look at it. The Hebrew word here translated “vile and vulgar” is “belial,” which can also be rendered “wicked, ungodly, evil, or worthless.” David couldn’t help it if something “belial” appeared before him, but he could refuse to set his eyes upon it for any length of time.

The temptation to look too long has plagued us from the beginning. Didn’t Eve gaze at the forbidden fruit too long, seeing that it was “pleasant to the eyes” (Gen. 3:6)? And so, she and Adam seeing it, decided to eat it, plunging all of humanity into darkness.

May the Lord help us to be as determined as David was to discipline our eyes. We can’t help what the world and its media parades before us, but depending on God’s divine power, we can decide in advance to avoid looking too long. We can refuse to set our eyes on that which is vile and vulgar.

PRAYER: Dear Father, there are many temptations in our world today. Help us to discipline our eyes to look away and to always look to You. Lead us away from temptation and deliver us from evil. In Jesus’ name, amen.