“A gentle tongue is a tree of life” (Proverbs 15:4 ESV).

In our One Year Bible reading today I was looking for something to say to bless and encourage mothers. This passage from Proverbs seemed appropriate.

I often remember the gentle words of my mother. She always sought to encourage her children and grandchildren with her words. What made her words even more profound, was her habit of salting them with the Word of God. For she was a lover of the Bible from her youth.

My dear mother is with the Lord now, but I see this same trait in my sweet wife, Robin. Her words are always gentle and encouraging. They truly give life to our kids and grandkids. I’m thankful to have had a mother and to have a wife who offers such gentle and life-giving words.

Words have power, power to bless and power to curse, power to build up and power to tear down. Yet gentle words are a tree of life.

PRAYER: Thank you Father for the gift of mothers. You have entrusted to them the bearing of children. But more than that, You are ready to gift them with the life-giving power of Your gentleness, so that their children may be drawn to You. Lord, bless our mothers this day. In Jesus’ name, amen.