A very practical proverb for those who desire achievement. It teaches us that the one who is “diligent” (Marked by persevering, painstaking effort; conscientiousness in accomplishing one’s duties; hardworking) will eventually be recognized and promoted to leadership positions. And the one who is “slothful” (Disinclined to work or exertion; lazy; slow and apathetic in behavior) will end up having to work menial jobs just to pay their debts. We make much of education these days, but not enough of hard work. ‘Work hard and don’t quit’ is a good word for those in secular as well as sacred work.
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“The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor” (Proverbs 12:24 ESV)
Scripture for today:
Deuteronomy 32:28-52; Luke 12:35-59; Psalm 78:56-64; Proverbs 12:24