“And whenever the tormenting spirit from God troubled Saul, David would play the harp. Then Saul would feel better, and the tormenting spirit would go away” (1 Samuel 16:23 NLT).

After the Lord had rejected Saul as king, His Spirit departed from Saul. And Saul became troubled, going through great bouts of distress. His servants suggested that a musician be found that could play for Saul and calm his nerves. So David, who was skillful on the harp, was brought to Saul. And Saul loved him. For whenever David played, Saul was refreshed.

The reason for Saul’s distress was both spiritual and physical. Without considering its causes, Saul was displaying a kind of disabling melancholy, affecting his mind, body and emotions. Yet when David, who was not only a skilled musician, but a man anointed by the Holy Spirit, played, Saul was both refreshed and made well. God may have sent a spirit to trouble Saul, but He also sent David to comfort him.

The 19th-century Danish author, Hans Christian Andersen, wrote “Where words fail, music speaks.” Saul certainly found this to be true. And so did the apostle Paul. For Paul taught that letting the peace of Christ rule in our hearts, we should “sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts” (Col. 3:16).

Modern medicine has discovered this powerful link between music and healing. Music therapy has proven to boost our immune system, lower cortisol (stress hormone) levels, help decrease depression, lower pain levels, help with certain neurological conditions by reactivating speech centers of the brain, and even improve the memory of Alzheimer’s and dementia patients.

I remember visiting my grandmother in the nursing home. She couldn’t remember my name and had nearly lost the ability to speak. But the minute my mother and I would start singing an old hymn, she would join in with us, remembering every word and even remembering her alto part. What healing power the Lord has given us in the gift of music! And all the more when we hear and sing worship music!

PRAYER: Dear Father, we thank You for the healing power of music. All good gifts are from You. We therefore give You thanks. When we are in distress, help us to sing hymns and spiritual songs, drawing on the peace of Christ. And when we are too weak to sing ourselves, sing over us by Your Spirit as You promised the prophet Zephaniah (Zeph. 3:17). In Jesus’ name, amen.