‘Then he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.”’ (Acts 16:30-31 ESV).

The magistrate of the city of Philippi had Paul and Silas publicly beaten and thrown into prison. Around midnight as they prayed and sang hymns in their prison cell, the Lord sent an earthquake that caused the prison doors to fly open and their bonds to fall off. The jailor was afraid that the prisoners had escaped and was ready to take his own life, but Paul and Silas assured him that they were still there. The jailor was so relieved and amazed that he asked to hear their message of salvation. And that very night, he and his whole family believed in Jesus and were baptized.

The Lord often uses unusual means to reach hard to reach people. Surely the jailor was a man hardened by his job. It would be doubtful to see him coming out to hear Paul’s preaching. So the Lord sent Paul and Silas to him, not in a position of authority as preachers, but as beaten-up and falsely accused prisoners. Yet in their weakness, in their suffering, they prayed and sang hymns to God. And God not only set them free from prison, but used them to set the jailor and his household free from slavery to sin.

PRAYER: Dear Father, help us to keep our eyes on You when life gets hard. Help us always to pray and sing to You even when we are struggling. For we never know who is watching and listening that You want to set free and redeem. In Jesus’ name, amen.