“These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble” (John 16:1 NKJV).


The word translated “stumble,” has the meaning to “trip over and fall because of some impediment.” In this context, Jesus meant to prepare them, so that when trouble came, they would not be tempted to fall away from following Him.
What things did Jesus say to prepare them? He gave them two categories of information to remember, so they would not stumble.
The first category was one of warning. There would be trouble for them in this world. Jesus did not want His disciples to think that following Him would be trouble-free. Indeed, He warned them that following Him would actually cause them to experience even more trials and persecution because they belonged to Him. He was very specific about the trials they would face.
The one who follows Jesus thinking to avoid trouble, will soon stumble in their faith. For there will be trouble. Yet, Jesus promised “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
The second category of information that Jesus gave His disciples was one of encouragement. He told them of His departure, but promised them that: 1) He would return to them after a “little while,” 2) They would receive the Holy Spirit as Helper, 3) the Father loved them, 4) they could ask for anything in His name and receive it, 5) He was preparing a place for them with Him, 6) All things of the Father were His and He was theirs, and 7) their temporary sorrow would turn into eternal joy.
Jesus does not want us to stumble and fall away in following Him. He warns us of temporary trouble, but promises us of eternal joy, both now and forever.
PRAYER: Dear Father, thank You that Jesus has called us to follow Him and has told us these things that we should not stumble. Help us today to obey and follow Jesus in all things. We want to walk in the Spirit and enjoy all that Christ has promised. We ask it in Jesus’ name, amen.