Paul taught Timothy the importance of guarding the gospel against those who would misuse the law, claiming its necessity for salvation. Human effort at law-keeping does not save, only believing the gospel saves. Those that teach law-keeping as a means of salvation are not using the law “correctly.” Yet, the law is not useless when used rightly. In fact, there are at least three right uses of the Law: The Law is to… (3 “R”s – Gal. 3:19-26) 1. Restrain our sinful behavior (Like a guard rail). 2. Reflect our guilt (Like a mirror). 3. Reveal God’s righteous way (Like a teacher). The law is useful when “used correctly,” but only faith in Christ saves.
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“We know that the law is good when used correctly” (1 Timothy 1:8 NLT)
Scripture for today:
Jeremiah 28:1-29:32; 1 Timothy 1:1-20; Psalm 86:1-17; Proverbs 25:17