‘Now among those who went up to worship at the feast were some Greeks. So these came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and asked him, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” (John 12:20-21 ESV).

Certain Greeks came to Jerusalem during the feast and they asked to see Jesus. No mention of whether they received an audience with Jesus is given, but one thing is sure. Jesus would invite not only those Greeks, but people from every nation, tongue, and tribe to Himself by removing the wall of separation between them and the Father.

Jesus had already cleansed the Court of the Gentiles on Monday of that week. And on Friday, He would give His life in payment for humanity’s sins, opening up a new and living way to all who seek Him.

Now everyone, whether Jew or Greek, can boldly approach the throne of God in the Name of Jesus. Jesus paid the price, so that the way is open to all those who “wish to see” Him.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we wish to see Jesus. You have revealed Him to us through Your Word and through Your Spirit. Yet we long for the Day of His appearing when we will see Him with our own eyes. Until then, strengthen us to live by faith in Him. In Jesus’ name, amen.