“And he went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him, and everyone marveled” (Mark 5:20 ESV).

In the region of the Gerasenes, on the Eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus encountered a man who was beset by a “legion” of unclean spirits. He commanded them to leave and the man was restored to his right mind. Afterwards, the man wanted to go with Jesus, but Jesus told him to go home and tell his people what God had done for him. So he did just as Jesus had commanded him.

The man preached throughout the “Decapolis,” which means the “Ten Cities,” or “Ten Towns.” Apparently his preaching was very effective, for when Jesus returned to the area later, great crowds followed HIm (See Mark 7:31-36 and Matt. 15:30). The Ten Towns were very Hellenistic in culture and very few Jews chose to live in the area. The fact that there were pigs in this account shows that Jesus was visiting a non-Jewish area (Jews don’t eat pork).

Many of the Ten Towns are familiar to the New Testament reader: Damascus, Philadelphia (modern Amman), Scythopolis (Beth Shean), Gadara (Gadarenes), Pella, and Gerasa (Geresenes). Ironically, after the fall of Jerusalem in 70AD, this area became the center of early Christianity. It’s amazing to consider the possibility that the witness of the man that Jesus set free from a “legion” of demons may have laid the foundation for this gospel movement.

There is life-changing power in the gospel. And there is power in the witness of even one person who is willing to go and tell others what Jesus has done for them.

People often say, “But I don’t know how to witness. What if someone asks a Bible question I don’t know the answer to?”

My reply, “Don’t worry about what you don’t know. Just tell them what Jesus has done for you. You’re the expert on that. You’ve got a PhD in what Jesus has done for you!”

PRAYER: Dear Father, we are reminded that it is Your gospel that has the power to change human hearts. Strengthen us to proclaim it everywhere we go. In Jesus’ name, amen.