“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7 ESV).

Moses reminded the people of the “words,” which God had commanded them. These words included what they referred to as the “Ten Words” or the Ten Commandments and many other instructions about how to apply them. He told them that these words should first be on their own hearts. They should know them by heart and keep them from the heart.

Then from their hearts, they were to teach their children what Moses had taught them. They were to be diligent in teaching them, both formally and informally, as a way of life. They were to weave this teaching of God’s Word into every facet of their day together with their children.

This is still the job of parenting. We are to talk of these “words” from God at the breakfast table and the dinner table, on the way to school and on the way to work, while walking around the block and while driving in the car, when we rise up and when we lay down at night. The responsibility for educating our children belongs not to the school, nor the church, but to us. We may enlist the school and church in our efforts, but the primary role belongs to fathers and mothers.

Are you teaching your children and grandchildren the “words” of God as a part of your everyday life?

PRAYER: Dear Father, we love Your Word. Help us to first apply it to our own hearts that we might not be hypocritical in what we teach. Help us to make living and sharing Your Word part of our everyday life. Show grace and mercy to us as we entrust these words to our children that they too would love You and Your Word with all their hearts. In Jesus’ name, amen.