“Whoever loves pleasure will be a poor man; he who loves wine and oil will not be rich” (Proverbs 21:17 ESV).

This proverb states a truth that is usually revealed over time. For the one who loves pleasure and drink may seem happy for a time. But after a while their love of comfort leads to poverty. For they lack the discipline to work and save.

Of course, the other extreme is no better. For the proverb might be reversed to say that the one who loves work is prosperous, but rarely knows how to enjoy the blessings of life.

What we love matters. For we were created to love something greater than what this world offers. Isn’t this why Jesus taught that the greatest commandment is to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves? Loving God and loving neighbor, we know when to work and when to enjoy the blessing of our labor. For we learn to live and walk in God’s love.

PRAYER: Father, we focus our hearts on You. We love You. Forgive our tendency to love anything or anyone more than You. For loving the things of this world is idolatry. We were made to be in a loving relationship with You, dear Father. And we want to grow in knowing You more and more. Thank You that You first loved us, so that we might love You in return. Help us to walk in Your love today. In Jesus’ name, amen.