“I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget your word.” (Psalms 119:15-16 ESV).

Psalm 119 is an acrostic poem based on the Hebrew alphabet. It is a meditation on the majesty and wonder of God’s Word. Consider the psalmist’s declaration of determination saying, “I will.” He had decided in advance to “meditate on” and find his “delight” in God’s Word. As an act of the will, the psalmist would seek happiness and joy in God’s ordinances. He would not seek the world’s happiness, but the Lord’s.

He had also decided that he would not forget God’s Word. How might he keep that promise to himself? Surely, he had decided to study, memorize and even sing God’s Word, so that he would always remember it. He would read it daily, even write it on the walls and doors of his house to keep it before his eyes.

Have you made such a determination to meditate on and find your delight in God’s Word, never forgetting it?

PRAYER: Dear Father, just as we hunger and thirst for food and water, so our souls hunger and thirst for Your Word. We love Your Word and delight in it. Your Word is life. Jesus is Your Word made flesh. We have received and trusted in Him. He lives in us by Your Spirit. Strengthen us to follow Him in all things this day. In Jesus’ name, amen.