“So Israel has been in rebellion against the house of David to this day” (1 Kings 12:19 ESV).

The ten tribes of Israel rebelled against the House of David and rejected his grandson, Rehoboam as king. The author of this book commented that Israel was still in a state of rebellion during the time of his writing. He spoke of a political reality. Yet, his observation was Spirit inspired and had a spiritual fulfillment. For centuries later when it came time for the long awaited Messiah from the House of David to appear, Israel rejected him too.

Those, whether Jew or Gentile, who have rejected Jesus as King are in rebellion to this day. Yet there is coming a day when many in Israel will turn to Jesus and believe. Indeed, the beginning of such a revival may already be upon us.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we too were once in rebellion against Your Son, but we have repented and believed. Thank You for Your grace and salvation. Strengthen us to share our testimony of faith to everyone that they might believe as well. In Jesus’ name, amen.