“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men” (Colossians 3:23 ESV).

The apostle Paul instructed bondservants to obey their earthly masters and to work for them as “for the Lord.” Perhaps he had the story of Joseph in mind as he wrote this instruction. For Joseph worked with sincerity and integrity of heart whether he was sold as a house servant or falsely accused and imprisoned. As a result, God blessed him even in very difficult circumstances and ultimately promoted him to the highest office under the Pharaoh of Egypt.

Where do you work? Who’s your boss? What motivates your labor? As believers, our true employer is Jesus Christ. We need not worry about layoffs, mergers or economic slow-downs. God is our provider. With this in mind, we can work with all our hearts for Him, as if we are signing Christ’s name to our work.

People take note of one who works wholeheartedly like this. It not only attracts them to your work, it causes them to want to hear about the One you claim to work for.

PRAYER: Dear Father, we work for You. Energize us this day to do the work You have given us wholeheartedly. And when others applaud our efforts, we will give You the glory. For we want people to know who we work for. We work with all hearts for Jesus. In His name we pray, amen.