“Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land” (Jeremiah 23:5 ESV).

In the midst of announcing woes and judgment on Judah, Jeremiah proclaimed a future when the Messiah would come and reign as king. The Messiah is called a “righteous Branch,” which surely refers to Isaiah’s prophecy that “There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit” (Isa. 11:1). In other words, although the royal line of David, the son of Jesse, will appear to be cut off, leaving only a “stump,” one day a “shoot” from it will grow into a new branch, which will be the Messiah.

There are two distinct threads of Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament. One of a Suffering Servant (See Isa. 53) and another of a Righteous King. The prophecy of the “Branch” falls into this second category. It speaks of Christ’s second coming when He shall reign as King.

Jesus has already come as Savior and sacrifice, but this prophecy of His righteous reign is yet to be fulfilled. We still await the coming of the King of Righteousness that Jeremiah proclaimed. And as we work proclaiming the gospel, we join with the saints of old saying, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20).

PRAYER: Dear Father, thank You for Your word, which foretold the coming of Christ our Savior and foretells that He is coming again. We have believed in Him and we actively look for His return as we tell others His Good News. Strengthen us to always be busy and ready for His return. In Jesus’ name, amen.