“Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly” (Mark 8:25 ESV).
Jesus healed many that were blind with a single word or touch, yet in this case, the blind man received a second touch. He saw light without focus on the first touch, but the second touch of Jesus gave him clarity, so that he saw “everything clearly.”
We must be careful making a theological comment on this narrative, for Christ gave no explanation. Yet, perhaps this account points to the spiritual reality that some come out of the darkness and into the light, seeing clearly after a single encounter with Jesus. While for others, as in the case of this blind man, it is more of a progression.
The context of this passage seems to support this. Just before this miracle, Jesus rebukes His disciples for their spiritual blindness (Mark 8:17-21). They had seen Jesus perform miracles but still failed to fully grasp who He was. The two-stage healing serves as a parable in action, illustrating that spiritual sight (understanding) often comes gradually, not all at once.
Surely, Jesus could have healed the man instantly, as He did elsewhere. But here, He chose to heal with two touches, possibly to teach patience in God’s process of revelation and growth in faith.
PRAYER: Dear Father, we are thankful that Jesus has opened our spiritual eyes to see. He is the Great Physician who heals our souls. O what a Savior is He! Our lives are changed by His touch. Help us to touch others in the name of Jesus that they might see. In His name we pray, amen.