“So you shall speak all these words to them, but they will not listen to you. You shall call to them, but they will not answer you” (Jeremiah 7:27 ESV).

There are many times that we may feel as if no one is listening to the Word of God. That our words are in vain. That the message of Christ is falling on deaf ears. Yet, every time we give out the Word, someone responds. People respond to God’s Word when we faithfully proclaim it. We may feel that the soil of the heart is hard in our day and time, but none of us have been given the call of Jeremiah, who was told to preach with full knowledge that his people would not listen.

However, it occurs to me that all who proclaim the Word have this in common, we are to preach the Word whether people obey it or not. Our success is not in how many listen, but in whether we are faithful in proclaiming the Word as it was given to us.

“You shall speak” was the command the Lord gave to Jeremiah. As Christians, we are given the same calling. For we are called to go and speak the Good News that Jesus saves to all the world.

PRAYER: Dear Father, help us to faithfully speak as Your representatives, Your ambassadors, to this world. We are often tempted to be silent. For we fear the rejection of men. Yet You have called us to speak. Empower us to obey. Give us divine appointments today to speak of You to others. In Jesus’ name, amen.