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December 13

13 results found

“The Lord swore to David a sure oath from which he will not turn back: ‘One of the sons of your body I will set on your throne'” (Psalm 132:11)

From: December 13, 2013

This psalm of ascent calls the Lord to remember His promise to David, that the Messiah would be born in his line. The psalmist wrote this for worshipers to sing as they climbed Zion’s hill, urging God to keep His promise to send the Anointed One. “Of your body” is an unusual phrase in the Hebrew, literally, “of the fruit of your womb.” Of course, David had no womb. But Mary did.

“You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you created all things, and they exist because you created what you pleased.” (Revelation 4:11)

From: December 13, 2012

What John the Revelator heard the 24 elders saying to the Lord as they lay down their crowns at His feet in worship. The elders represent the 12 tribes + the 12 disciples. Together, they represent the church complete, for Jesus has made both Jew and Gentile one in Him. They acknowledge the Lord as both Creator and Architect. For God not only created, He designed what He created. And it pleased Him, for He saw that “it was good” (Gen. 1:31). He made you because He wanted you. You are wanted.

“Day and night they never stop saying: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come’” (Revelation 4:8)

From: December 13, 2011

John witnesses the worship of Heaven. I wonder if he realized that one of the 24 thrones surrounding the throne of the Lord was his? Twelve for the tribes of Israel and twelve for the Lord’s disciples. Our worship now is rehearsal for this.