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December 26

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“Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power” (Psalm 145:4 NLT)

From: December 26, 2014

Christianity is always only one generation away from extinction. God does not have grandchildren. The faith must be passed on like a baton in a relay race. The Israelites who took possession of the Promised Land were faithful, but they forgot the command to pass their faith on to their children. So, the author of the book of Judges observed: “After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel” (Judges 2:10). Every good parent wants their children to be well educated. But every godly parent knows that the most important task is to teach their children of God’s “mighty acts.”

“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9)

From: December 26, 2013

The Latin “adventus” and the Greek “parousia” both translate as “coming.” During Advent, we remember that Christ has already come to Zion. But we also “rejoice greatly” as we look forward to His coming again. He has already fulfilled the prophecy of entering Jerusalem riding a donkey. Watch for His return, but on a different mount (Rev. 19:11).

“The Lord is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all his creation” (Psalms 145:9)

From: December 26, 2012

David observed God’s common grace, how He was good and loving to everyone. Rain showers fall on us and our neighbors alike. Yet not everyone acknowledges their Source. For those who do, God gives special grace, showering us with blessings through Jesus, His Son.

“Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9)

From: December 26, 2011

Jesus fulfilled this Messianic prophecy along with every one of the over 300 in the OT. He rode into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey as the people shouted “Hosanna!”