From: December 29, 2014
There is much debate about the meaning of Revelation chapter 20 and its description of the millennial kingdom (1,000 years reign). Yet, most agree on the interpretation concerning the “Book of Life.” If your name is in the Book, you have eternal life. If your name isn’t in the book, you are condemned to experience the second death, which is eternal separation from God in Hell. I remember singing a song in church when I was young that went like this: ““My name is in the book of Life, oh bless the name of Jesus; I rise above all doubt and strife, And read my title clear. I know, I know, My name is there; I know, I know, My name is written there.” Is your name written there?
From: December 29, 2013
The psalmist wrote to call all of creation to worship. He began with the inhabitants of heaven (angels, hosts, sun, moon, stars) and ended with the earth (sea creatures, the deep, snow, rain, fire, mountains, hills, trees, beasts, creeping things, birds, kings, princes, old men, young men, maidens and children). He calls them to praise the Lord because of two reasons: 1) Who God is, and 2) What God has done. Unfortunately, the inhabitants of earth have not answered this call to join the heavenly host in praise. The earth has become what CS Lewis called the “silent planet.” Our mission is to join the psalmist in calling all nations and tribes to worship the Lord, to proclaim the Name and Salvation of our Lord until every knee bows and every tongue confesses. To call the inhabitants of earth to join the heavenly chorus and to be silent no more.
From: December 29, 2012
Have you been given a voice? Then, use it to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Do not be silent when others are being crushed.
From: December 29, 2011
The Great White Throne judgment is here described. As we approach the end of 2011, we should consider God’s approaching judgment. Only those whose name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life will enter into everlasting life.
From: December 29, 2009
“My name is in the book of Life,
Oh, bless the name of Jesus;
I rise above all doubt and strife,
And read my title clear.
I know, I know,
My name is there;
I know, I know,
My name is written there.”