From: February 12, 2025
“So he was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights. He neither ate bread nor drank water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments” (Exodus 34:28 ESV).
Moses communed with the Lord for 40 days, during which time he fasted from food and water, having no need of them. For the Lord was his food and drink. Certainly, this was a miracle of God. For although one might fast from food for 40 days and live, no one can fast from water for that long and survive. Yet, Moses’ fast was not accomplished by his own strength, but by the Lord’s. And the miracle of Moses’ fast, was a sign, pointing to the reliability of Moses’ testimony that the law had been given him by God.
Yet, we cannot read of Moses’ fast without thinking of Christ’s, who also fasted for 40 days. Moses’ fast marked the giving of the covenant of law, but Christ’s fast marked the beginning of His public ministry and covenant of grace. When the devil tempted Jesus, He responded with the words first given to Moses, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matt. 4:4; Deut. 8:3). And surely this Word was sufficient for both.
Today we sometimes fast as a spiritual discipline, in order to focus our minds on the Lord that we might hear a word from Him. It helps us recognize how weak we are and how dependent we are on God. Bread, we need, but God’s Word, we need even more.
PRAYER: Dear Father, help us to remember that You made us and designed us so that just as we need food and drink for our bodies, so we also need Your Word for our souls. We live by Your Word. Fill us with understanding today. Speak Lord, your servants are listening. In Jesus’ name, amen.
From: February 12, 2024
‘Pilate said to them, “Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?”’ (Matthew 27:22 ESV).
The Roman Governor Pilate asked the crowd to answer this question for him. He sought to avoid making a decision about Jesus, but his plan backfired. The crowd’s surprising support of the criminal Barabbas left Pilate still responsible to answer the question of what to do with Jesus. Pilate gave the paid-off crowd the answer they wanted. Crucify him.
Pilate still insisted that he had nothing to do with Christ’s death, washing his hands of the Innocent One’s blood. Of course, this symbolic act in no way minimized Pilate’s responsibility. He could blame his decision on the crowd, but the decision was still his.
Pilate isn’t the only one that must answer the question, “What should I do with Jesus?” It remains the singularly most important question of all time. How have you answered it?
PRAYER: Dear Father, give us the grace to put this question before everyone we know. We would not have anyone go into eternity without grappling with what they should do with Jesus. As for us, we have believed and received His sacrifice for our sins. We are thankful for His redemption. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
From: February 12, 2023
“Moses remained there on the mountain with the Lord forty days and forty nights. In all that time he ate no bread and drank no water. And the Lord wrote the terms of the covenant—the Ten Commandments—on the stone tablets.” (Exodus 34:28 NLT).
Moses communed with the Lord for 40 days, during which time he fasted from food and water, having no need of them. For the Lord was his food and drink. Certainly, this was a miracle of God. For although one might fast from food for 40 days and live, no one can fast from water for that long and survive. Yet, Moses’ fast was not accomplished by his own strength, but by the Lord’s. And the miracle of Moses’ fast, was a sign, pointing to the reliability of Moses’ testimony that the law had been given him by God.
Yet, we cannot read of Moses’ fast without thinking of Christ’s, who also fasted for 40 days. Moses’ fast marked the giving of the covenant of law, but Christ’s fast marked the beginning of His public ministry and covenant of grace. When the devil tempted Jesus, He responded with the words first given to Moses, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matt. 4:4; Deut. 8:3). And surely this Word was sufficient for both.
Today we sometimes fast as a spiritual discipline, in order to focus our minds on the Lord that we might hear a word from Him. It helps us recognize how weak we are and how dependent we are on God. Bread, we need, but God’s Word, we need even more.
PRAYER: Dear Father, help us to remember that You made us and designed us so that just as we need food and drink for our bodies, so we also need Your Word for our souls. We live by Your Word. Fill us with understanding today. Speak Lord, your servants are listening. In Jesus’ name, amen.
From: February 12, 2017
The Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, had a custom of releasing a prisoner during the feast of Passover. He gave the unruly crowd a choice between Barabbas and Jesus, thinking they would choose Jesus and let him off the hook. But at the urging of the chief priests and elders, they chose Barabbas instead. Ironically, “Barabbas” is from the Aramaic, which means, “son of a father” (“bar” = “son of” + “abba” = “father”). So, the guilty “son of a father,” representing fallen humanity was released. And the innocent and holy, Son of the Father, was condemned in his place.
From: February 12, 2016
Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor over Judea, made a show of washing his hands and declaring himself “innocent” of Christ’s blood. Yet in reality, he was fully responsible as the ranking representative of Roman law. How strange that the one who condemned the Innocent One to death would declare himself innocent instead. Many of us are like Pilate in our attempts to wash our hands of Christ’s blood. We question God’s goodness and lift ourselves up as innocent. However, the truth is this: We are guilty. It was our sin that sent Jesus to the cross. And when we finally admit our guilt and accept His payment, it is that alone which actually washes away our sin.