From: February 12, 2015
God gave Moses and the Israelites instructions on how to offer worship that honored Him. True worship might be described in two moves: 1) Recognizing God’s worth and 2) Giving God His worth. We are to bring our worship into God’s house with us, not come hoping to respond to the worship of others. It’s called a church “service,” because we are called to come and serve, not be served. Stop coming before God “empty-handed.” Bring your worship with you!
From: February 12, 2014
How do we know God’s Name? Was it written in the heavens or carved in the cliffs? Was it painted in a sunset or an infant’s gaze? Did we discover it on an expedition or under a microscope’s stare? No. We would never know God’s Name absent His Word. For God is not the creation but the Creator. He is the holy/wholly other. Certainly His creation points to Him, declaring His glory (Psa. 19:1). But He didn’t sign His Name there. He waited, following His own timing. Then, revealed it in person to His mediator Moses. He shouted out His own Name, “Yahweh” (“I AM”) and the mountain trembled and Moses fell on his face in worship. Our Creator is knowing and would be known.
From: February 12, 2013
David wrote this psalm during the time he was hiding from Saul among the Philistines. Unfortunately, when we come up with human schemes to avoid trouble we often jump from the frying pan into the fire. Yet, it is never too late to cry out to God for help. David was delivered from his fears. We can bring our fears to God too. He will hear us and answer.
From: February 12, 2012
May we all on this Lord’s Day gather together with unveiled faces reflecting God’s glory as we worship and hear His Word. Lord, make our faces radiant with your glory (2 Cor. 3:18).
From: February 12, 2011
God’s instruction to Moses and the Israelites concerning how they should come to worship Him. You’re not just going to a worship service. You are to bring your worship with you!