From: February 2, 2014
The day, the month and the year are all times determined by man’s observations of the heavenly bodies. But the Sabbath is a gift from God given by revelation. The 7-day week is not determined by the sun and moon, but by God’s Word. In it He reminds us that He created the universe in six days and rested on the seventh. He wants us to rest one day out of seven to remind us of His creation and care, showing our ultimate dependence on Him. The Sabbath not only points to God’s past creation, and His care for His people in the wilderness; it also points to Christ’s fulfillment. For Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath. He was crucified on the sixth day, rested on the seventh and rose again on the first day of the new week. Now those who place their faith in Christ may enter His Sabbath rest. He has finished the work of salvation and there is nothing left for us to do, except to rest by faith in it.
From: February 2, 2013
What Jesus said to the Sadducees, He might say to our generation as well. Who were the Sadducees? They were a Jewish sect that existed during the intertestamental period and consisted of a wealthy ruling class of priests that were often seen as allies of the Romans (or whoever was in power). They claimed to be Torah only followers, rejecting the rest of the Hebrew Scriptures. They denied the after-life, the resurrection, the existence of angels, and a final judgment. They mostly saw the Scriptures as a basis for morality and no more. The way I was taught to remember them in Sunday School was that “They didn’t believe in the resurrection, so they were sad-you-see.” I think we have a lot of “sad-you-sees” in our world today.
From: February 2, 2012
God has ordained human kings and nations. They are ministers of justice (albeit imperfect). Jesus said to “render unto Caesar.” He didn’t call them to lawlessness. As April 15th approaches and we begin a presidential election year, remember your dual citizenship status.
From: February 2, 2011
Jesus’ correction of the Sadducees is an apt warning for today. For we are a generation of biblically illiterate and spiritually impotent people. Repent. Study God’s Word. Be filled with the Spirit.