From: February 4, 2014
This was the response of the Israelites when God spoke the ten commandments to them from the mountain amidst thunder, lightning, smoke and the sound of a ram’s horn. They were terrified and requested that Moses be their mediator. So, Moses went up on the mountain and brought down the Word of God written on stone tablets. When Jesus came, He became our Mediator, so we can boldly approach God. He has removed the separation of the law and written God’s Word not on stone tablets, but on our hearts.
From: February 4, 2013
Jesus accused the Pharisees of the hypocrisy of outward expressions of holiness without any true heart change. The Pharisees had added layers of rules on cleanliness in their interpretation of the Torah. They even had instructions on how to do dishes. Yet, their eyes were blind and their ears deaf to Christ’s message. The disciples of Jesus may not have washed their hands according to the Pharisaic tradition, but their hearts were humble and open to Christ’s teachings. As God told Samuel, “man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart” (1 Sam.16:7). What does God see in your heart?
From: February 4, 2012
Number 5 of God’s Top Ten. This one along with #4 are “shalts” rather than “shalt nots.” This is the first command with a promise: long life. So, honor (respect, pay homage, give financial support, obey…) your parents. ‘Cause God said so.
From: February 4, 2011
Can you empty your heart’s concern upon the Lord as David did? Carrying all to Jesus our heavy hearts are made light and free to leap and sing! This will seem foolish to some. Only those who have been weighed down and then set free understand this.