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February 6

14 results found

“You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy” (Psalm 30:11 NLT)

From: February 6, 2014

When we receive God’s comfort, He not only wipes away our tears, He strengthens our weak knees and sagging spirits, so that our “mourning is turned into dancing.” This comfort flows to us in such abundance as to produce an overflow, a surplus that we can share with others. Imagine the drastic transformation of the disciples on Easter morn and you get a sense of this comfort that moved them from discouragement to delight.

“Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning” (Psalm 30:5 ESV)

From: February 6, 2013

David learned that there are seasons to grief and gladness. The Lord is not absent in one and present in the other. He is present in both. And often, we are most aware of God during a time of despair. Have you learned to practice the Presence of God, regardless of the circumstances? Do not despair. The darkness will soon depart. Open the curtain and let the joy of Jesus shine in.

“You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.” (Psalm 30:11)

From: February 6, 2012

Have you been grieving a loss? A loved one has died. Or a marriage or dream has failed. Your condition seems permanent, but not when you turn to the Lord. With Him, your tears may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Turn to Jesus and watch the sun come up again.

“Moses then wrote down everything the LORD had said” (Exodus 24:4)

From: February 6, 2011

How the Bible came to be: God spoke and men wrote. Paradoxically fully human and fully divine, the written Word finds its fulfillment in the Word Incarnate. There’s no other book like it. Have you read it yet?