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February 7

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From: February 7, 2025

“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’” (Matthew 25:23 ESV).

This Scripture quote is from the Parable of the Talents. Matthew’s gospel has this parable arranged in alignment with Jesus’ discussion of end times in chapter 24 and nested between His Parable of the Ten Virgins and His discussion of the judgment of the sheep and goats. Its placement and the parable itself point to the truth that Jesus will return and expect an accounting of our stewardship.

God has entrusted certain gifts and abilities to each of us that are to be invested and used in His Kingdom. He cares about our work. He wants us to be busy using what He has entrusted to us. How we manage our “3 Ts” (Time, Talent, and Treasure) matter to God.

Some believers are concerned when we speak of the importance of working in God’s Kingdom. They worry that some will think they can earn their way to heaven. Yet Paul’s letter to the Ephesians puts both earning and effort in right order saying, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Eph. 2:8-10).

We are saved by grace unto good works. The first leads to the second. Grace is opposed to earning, but it is not opposed to effort. Therefore, let us receive God’s grace through faith in Jesus and let us work with all our hearts for His Kingdom.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank You for calling us to follow You and join in the Father’s work. Forgive our slowness to trust. Forgive our fear of living the life of the open hand–– one hand open to You and one hand open to others–– so that Your blessings pass to us and through us to others. Help us to invest our lives fully into that which has eternal significance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


From: February 7, 2024

“Then you shall erect the tabernacle according to the plan for it that you were shown on the mountain” (Exodus 26:30 ESV).

The exacting detail of the plans for the tabernacle and its furnishings found in Exodus are both amazing and overwhelming to read. For God had instructed Moses to erect the tabernacle according to the plan and pattern God had shown him while spending 40 days with the Lord on the mountain. So Moses was careful to write a detailed blueprint for the tabernacle that its builders might fashion it just as the Lord had shown him. For Moses had not only heard these instructions, but its appearance had been “shown” to him.

Yet the earthly tabernacle was only a “shadow” and a “copy,” preparing God’s people to recognize its fulfillment in Christ Jesus. As the book of Hebrews proclaims, “They serve in a system of worship that is only a copy, a shadow of the real one in heaven. For when Moses was getting ready to build the Tabernacle, God gave him this warning: ‘Be sure that you make everything according to the pattern I have shown you here on the mountain.’ But now Jesus, our High Priest, has been given a ministry that is far superior to the old priesthood, for he is the one who mediates for us a far better covenant with God, based on better promises” (Heb. 8:5-6).

Let us consider and meditate on some of the ways that the tabernacle points to Jesus. For Jesus is the Light of the World, shining as the golden lampstand. He is the Bread of Life, offered as on the table of the bread of presence. He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. He is the Great High Priest who gives us access to the Mercy Seat of the Father by His blood. Yes, Jesus is the real fulfillment of which the tabernacle was only a copy.

PRAYER: Dear Father, thank You for the tabernacle that points to Jesus. Yet most of all, thank You for Jesus. For He is our all in all. Help us to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. In Jesus’ name, amen.


From: February 7, 2023

“Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise” (Matthew 25:1-2 NLT).

It appears that the parable of the ten bridesmaids was given by Jesus to his disciples in a private setting, as a further illustration of what the Day of his return would be like. As such, this parable seems particularly aimed at the state of the church at Christ’s return.

The ten bridesmaids had many things in common. They were all invited to the wedding. They obviously kept company together. They all had lamps. Yet, only the five wise ones had oil for their lamps. And only those five were welcomed into the marriage feast, while the five without oil were not.

The implication is that many will claim to be followers of Christ without having actually received the “oil” of His salvation. This “oil” cannot be shared from another, it must be received directly from the Lord. Thinking to wait for the Day of his return is a deadly procrastination, for then it will be too late.

Are you ready for Christ’s return? Back in the late ’60s a song by Larry Norman entitled “I Wish We’d All Been Ready,” was released. Here are some of its lyrics:

“Two men walking up a hill
One disappears and one’s left standing still
I wish we’d all been ready
There’s no time to change your mind
The Son has come and you’ve been left behind”

PRAYER: Dear Father, teach us to watch and pray, to be ready for Christ’s return. May He find us busy doing Kingdom work when He comes. In Jesus’ name, amen.

“Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise” (Matthew 25:1-2 NLT).

From: February 7, 2022


It appears that the parable of the ten virgins was given by Jesus to his disciples in a private setting, as a further illustration of what the Day of his return would be like. As such, this parable seems particularly aimed at the state of the church at Christ’s return. The ten virgins had many things in common. They were all invited to the wedding. They obviously kept company together. They all had lamps. Yet, only five of them had enough oil for their lamps to be burning at the Bridegroom’s return. And only those five were welcomed into the marriage feast, while the five without oil were not.
When the five foolish virgins tried to enter the marriage feast, they found the door locked, so they cried out, “‘Lord! Lord! Open the door for us!” But the Bridegroom answered, “I don’t know you.”
This is similar to Christ’s saying from the Sermon on the Mount. On that occasion Jesus spoke clearly about the importance of having a personal relationship with Him, saying “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord.’ And I will declare to them, ‘Depart from Me, I never knew you'” (Matt. 7:21-23).
How does this parable teach us to get ready for Christ’s return? It warns us not to postpone getting right with God until some later time. For the day or hour of Christ’s return “knoweth no man (Matt. 24:36). Therefore we must get ready now. For “now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2).
So, purchase oil for your lamps now. And keep watch. For Jesus said He is “coming at an hour you do not expect” (Matt. 24:44).
PRAYER: Dear Father, we have received Your Son as our Lord and Savior. We know Him and He knows us. We have oil for our lamps, but strengthen us to keep watch. For we want to be found doing what the Lord has called us to do at His return. In Jesus’ name, amen.

“For You are my rock and my fortress; Therefore, for Your name’s sake, lead me and guide me” (Psalms 31:3 NKJV).

From: February 7, 2020


David declared the Lord as his “rock,” the firm foundation on which he stood, and his “fortress,” the impenetrable protection that always surrounded him. It was this strong declaration of faith that led David to ask even more from the Lord. “Therefore,” David said. The word “therefore” is like an “equal sign” in the text. David’s logic was as follows: “Since You are my Rock + Fortress = I call on You to be my Leader + Guide.”
David included one important additional feature to his prayer, “For Your name’s sake.” In other words, David did not ask God to lead and guide because he had earned it or had somehow deserved it. No, he based his request on God’s great name and character.
PRAYER: Dear Father, we are Your children and because we have placed our faith in Jesus, Your Son, we now bear Your name. Therefore, for Your name’s sake, lead us and guide us this day. In Jesus’ name, amen.

“‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!” (Matthew 25:23 NLT).

From: February 7, 2019


This is from the Parable of the Talents. Matthew’s gospel has this parable arranged in alignment with Jesus’ discussion of end times in chapter 24 and nested between His Parable of the Ten Virgins and His discussion of the judgment of the sheep and goats. Its placement and the parable itself point to the truth that Jesus will return and expect an accounting of our stewardship. God has entrusted certain gifts and abilities to each of us that are to be invested and used. He cares about our work. He wants us to be busy using what He has entrusted to us. How we manage our 3 Ts (Time, Talent, and Treasure) matter to God.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank You for calling us to follow You and join in the Father’s work. Forgive our slowness to trust. Forgive our fear of living the life of the open hand–– one hand open to You and one hand open to others–– so that Your blessings pass to us and through us to others. Help us to invest our lives fully into that which has eternal significance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

“After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them” (Matthew 25:19 NKJV).

From: February 7, 2017

Jesus gave his disciples this parable to illustrate the principle of stewardship in the kingdom of heaven. Several details of the parable offer instruction concerning stewardship, but the main point is that the Lord will return and ask his servants to give an account of how they have spent that which he entrusted to them.
So, regardless of the amount of talent we have be given, we must recognize …
1) God’s ownership. Everything we are and have comes from Him.
2) Our stewardship. We are managers of the Master’s stuff.
3) He gives differing amounts and expects appropriate return (i.e. “To whom much is given, much is required.” – Luke 12:48).
4) Everyone will one day give an account.
5) The Lord will reward or punish according to our faithfulness.
The greatest gift given is Christ Himself. What we do with Him and with His gospel are of utmost importance. One day, all will be asked, “What did you do with Jesus?”

“Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom” (Matthew 25:1 ESV)

From: February 7, 2016

It appears that the parable of the ten virgins was given by Jesus to his disciples in a private setting, as a further illustration of what the Day of his return would be like. As such, this parable seems particularly aimed at the state of the church at Christ’s return. The ten virgins had many things in common. They were all invited to the wedding. They obviously kept company together. They all had lamps. Yet, only five of them had oil for their lamps. And only those five were welcomed into the marriage feast, while the five without oil were not. The clear implication is that many will claim to be followers of Christ without having actually received the “oil” of His salvation. This “oil” cannot be shared from another, it must be received directly from the Lord. Thinking to wait for the Day of his return is a deadly procrastination, for it will be too late. The Day of Christ’s return will reveal that many who claim to be believers, are not. Get your “oil” from the Lord now. Be ready.

“His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord'” (Matthew 25:21 NKJV)

From: February 7, 2015

First, learn to do the little things. Then, perhaps God will promote you to greater responsibility. If you’re unfaithful with a little, you’d be unfaithful with a lot. The Lord is not looking for successful stewards, He is looking for faithful ones. Stop saying, “If only I had more, then I would serve Him with it.” Be faithful with whatever you have. The Lord will soon return, asking for an account.

“‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!” (Matthew 25:23 NLT)

From: February 7, 2014

This is from the Parable of the Talents. Matthew’s gospel has this parable arranged in alignment with Jesus’ discussion of end times in chapter 24 and nested between His Parable of the Ten Virgins and His discussion of the judgment of the sheep and goats. Its placement and the parable itself point to the idea that Jesus will return and expect an accounting of our stewardship. God has entrusted certain gifts and abilities to each of us that are to be invested and used. He cares about our work. He wants us to be busy using what He has entrusted to us. How we manage our 3 Ts (Time, Talent, and Treasure) matter to God.