From: February 8, 2014
God gave specific instructions for the design and making of Aaron’s chestpiece (breastplate) to be worn when he performed his High Priestly duties. God assigned specific gems to each tribe and had the tribal name inscribed on each. He wanted Aaron to wear this chestpiece over “his heart” when he entered the Holy of Holies to remind him that he represented all the tribes before God. God was very specific and particular in the design for Aaron’s priestly garments, as He was in regards to all the Tabernacle’s elements. These details tell us something about the beauty and order of our God, but even more, they point to the Tabernacle’s fulfillment in Christ.
From: February 8, 2013
This is what Jesus will say at the last judgment to those who have cared for those who are hungry, thirsty, estranged, naked, sick or imprisoned. Would you do something for Jesus? If He came to your door, would you put him up for the night or offer Him supper? If you would do something for Jesus, then here’s your chance: Do something for the “least of these.”
From: February 8, 2012
God told Moses to set Aaron and his sons apart for the ministry. God still calls people to be set apart for Him. When we see God’s calling on someone, we acknowledge it by the laying on of hands. But we cannot call. A true calling comes from God alone.
From: February 8, 2011
David trusted the Lord knowing that the time of his birth, death, and every appointment in between was in God’s hands. Who’s in charge of your schedule today?