From: January 14, 2015
When Jesus sent His disciples out as witnesses, He gave them detailed instructions. He even prepared them for times when they would be persecuted or questioned concerning their faith. He instructed them not to “worry” about defending their faith because God’s Spirit would give them the words to say in the “hour” it was needed. This promise that the Spirit will give us the words to say assumes that we will go out as witnesses. If we do not go out, then the Spirit’s help is hardly needed. We will miss out on this wonderful supply of grace. But if we obey Jesus and go out as witnesses, then this provision of spiritual wisdom will be experienced. So, stop saying, “I’m afraid to share my faith because I don’t know how or because I’m afraid they’ll ask something I don’t know the answer to.” Instead, go out in obedience and let the Spirit speak in and through you.
From: January 14, 2014
We make promises that we don’t always keep. We may mean well, but circumstances may change that prevent us from keeping our word. But God is not a man. His Word is more powerful than any challenge. His promises are like pure “silver.” No circumstance can hinder His Word. His promises are true. Where do you put your trust?
From: January 14, 2013
This wisdom is best understood as a full and growing knowledge of God’s Word combined with the understanding of how to rightly apply it to life’s circumstances. There is a way of thinking that the world calls wise, but it is foolishness to God and leads to death. The wisdom of God leads to blessing and eternal life.
From: January 14, 2012
What Jesus told His disciples about fear of witnessing. Our part is to go and to share. It is the Holy Spirit that abides within us who will speak through us, if we are obedient to go. No fear.
From: January 14, 2011
Have you ever felt like the Psalmist? Observing the news, media and politics of our land, do you despair? Don’t. Elijah thought he was the only one faithful in his generation, but God always has a remnant. Perhaps He is calling you to pray and call fire down from heaven.