From: January 25, 2014
Jesus took His inner circle of disciples, Peter, James and John, up on a high mountain. There the heavenly veil was pulled back for a moment and they saw Jesus in His glory. They also saw Moses and Elijah. Those who have questions about how far is heaven and whether we will know our loved ones who died in the Lord should take note. Heaven is near. And yes, we will know them.
From: January 25, 2013
The most important question of all: Who do you believe Jesus to be? We are not followers of ritual or religion, but relationship. We follow a person, Jesus the Christ. Recognizing Him as more than teacher and prophet, we receive Him, placing our faith into Him as Savior and Lord. Jesus still asks this question. And we must each answer it for ourselves.
From: January 25, 2012
Rather than abort him, Moses’ mother gave her son up to adoption. Both Moses and Jesus were supposed to be killed as infants by the king’s command. Thankfully their parents feared God more than man.
From: January 25, 2011
Joseph was faithful to God no matter his circumstance. He went from favorite son to being rejected by his brothers and sold into slavery. Then, falsely accused and cast into prison, God lifted him up to the highest place in Egypt. Joseph’s life foreshadows Christ’s. Don’t be surprised if your life mirrors this too. Just be faithful. God is good.