From: January 29, 2014
You can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat children. If they are patient and fun with little ones, it reveals something about their heart. If they are nervous and frustrated, this too shows. Jesus loved little children. He always made time for them. I’ve observed that most people who come to Christ, do so before adulthood. The older we get, the more our hearts harden. Yet, it’s never too late to see Jesus with childlike eyes and receive Him with a childlike faith.
From: January 29, 2013
This Davidic psalm begins with an announcement of God’s ownership of everything and everyone. Believing that God is owner and that we are stewards, servants of God caring for His creation is a life-changing principle. Many Christians claim to believe this, yet they behave as if their stuff is really “their” stuff. One of the great sins of American Christianity is the idolatry of materialism. Our happiness is attached to our possessions. This is the sin of greed. What is the antidote? Giving. Live a life of the open hand, tithing from your first fruits and giving sacrificially to any need that the Spirit shows you. In this way, you acknowledge God’s ownership and your stewardship.
From: January 29, 2012
Don’t harden your heart like Pharaoh. Yield your life to God and join Him in His purpose. Be a witness to His glory. Join the movement to make His Name famous throughout the earth. What movement? The Church of course.
From: January 29, 2011
This world’s appraisal of greatness is based on outward things- good looks, possessions, and money. But the Kingdom will judge greatness by inner things. The Kingdom will turn us inside out and upside down. We may be in for a surprise as to who is first.