From: May 9, 2014
Do you ask for a box for your leftovers? Jesus did. I wonder why. Was it to show that when He holds a banquet everyone eats their fill with food to spare? Was it to draw attention that even the leftovers were much greater than the original 5 loaves and 2 fish? And why record the basket count of 12 baskets full? Did this show that each disciple got a packed lunch to eat while Jesus slipped away into the hills? I can only speculate as to why Jesus commanded the leftovers to be saved. But certain things can be known for sure from this story: 1)When we trust Jesus with our small offering, He can multiply it to feed a multitude. 2)When Jesus feeds the hungry, they eat their fill with food leftover. 3) With Jesus nothing is wasted.
From: May 9, 2013
Samuel called the Israelites to Mizpah for an assembly of repentance and recommitment, but the Philistines heard about their gathering and attacked. God fought for Israel and they overcame for the first time in a generation. There, Samuel set up a large stone to remind them of God’s help, calling it Ebenezer or “stone of help.” Samuel understood that we are a forgetful people and need reminders. Some of us journal, writing it down when God rescues. Some carry a chip to commemorate their years of sobriety. Others compose a song, like “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” singing: “Here I raise mine Ebenezer; hither by thy help I’m come; and I hope, by thy good pleasure, safely to arrive at home.” Do you have an “Ebenezer” to remember what God as done for you?
From: May 9, 2012
for he said, ‘Up to this point the Lord has helped us!’” (1 Samuel 7:12).
Has the Lord helped you? How have you marked it? Put out your Ebenezer and let others know what God has done for you.
From: May 9, 2011
In bondage they cried out, but in freedom they forgot. The Israelites wandered in the wilderness until a faithful generation was raised up. Are we a faithful generation or have do we have spiritual amnesia? When will we remember that freedom isn’t a result of political process, but of spiritual rebirth?