October 9, 2012
Paul applauded the Thessalonian believers for how they “looked forward” to Christ’s return. When we are “looking forward” to a vacation, a wedding day, a birth or a graduation, what kinds of things do we do? Do we mark the calendar and count the days? Do we talk about the upcoming day with others? Do we pack our bags and organize our lives accordingly? Do we work and prepare? If we do all these things and more to prepare for worldly occasions, what might it look like for us to live “looking forward” to Christ’s return?
October 12, 2011
Stop wondering about God’s will for your life. Instead, choose joy, pray and give thanks. This will make you receptive to God’s will. It turns your eyes outward, away from self, where you can see what God is already doing and join Him there.
October 10, 2011
For the Bible to do its work in us we must accept and receive that it is the Word of God. Otherwise, we have no basis for our faith. Hearing it preached and reading it, our believing grows.
October 9, 2011
Your words carry only your influence and authority. Can you back up your own words? But the gospel word is backed up by the Lord. They contain His power to save, HIs Spirit to convict and redeem. Therefore we speak it with deep conviction.
May 31, 2009
1 Thessalonians 2:6-13
family, parenting
At the end of the TV show, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, they park a big bus in front of the new house and have the family standing there in anticipation to see what their new home looks like. They are encouraged to shout, “Move that bus!” The family is always overwhelmed when they see the beauty and blessing of their new home.
How can we experience the beauty and blessing of a godly family? Is there a way to pass on a godly legacy?
In the book of 1 Thessalonians, the apostle Paul told them that he had treated them like a mother and a father as he shared the gospel and his life with them. He was thankful that they had believed and he challenged them to be witnesses and to be his “glory and joy” (1 Thess. 2:20). In other words, Paul said you are my spiritual legacy. We can learn from Paul’s example to leave a Godly legacy to our family.