June 10, 2021
WHERE GOD DWELLS Stephen reminded the Jewish rulers that even though God allowed Solomon to build Him a Temple, He had no need for a man-made dwelling. Sinful man always prefers his man-made religion with his man-made gods and man-made temples. Didn’t the Israelites reject Moses and ask his brother, Aaron, to make them “some
June 7, 2021
CHRIST’S FELLOWSHIP OF SUFFERING Peter and some of the apostles were put in the common prison by the high priest for continuing to preach in the name of Jesus. That night, an angel set them free from the prison and instructed them to go and preach in the Temple courts. When the high priest brought
June 6, 2021
CAN PEOPLE TELL YOU’VE BEEN WITH JESUS? Something extraordinary happens to ordinary people when they spend time with Jesus. When the former fisherman Peter stood to speak to the illustrious gathering of Jewish priests and rabbis they were shocked at his bold eloquence. So much so, that they asked Peter and John to leave the
June 5, 2021
GIVE THEM JESUS Peter and John encountered a cripple asking for money on their way to afternoon prayers at the Temple. While many worshipers passed by the invalid without looking at him, probably even avoiding eye contact, Peter and John looked at him intently, “fixing” their eyes on him. They weren’t afraid of his need.
June 3, 2021
WRITTEN TO THOSE LOVED BY GOD The book called the Acts of the Apostles was the second New Testament work written by Luke. It picks up where Luke’s gospel left off. Luke was a physician and a traveling companion of the apostle Paul. In his “first narrative,” he wrote an “orderly account” (Luke 1:3) of
July 11, 2020
PAUL’S MINISTRY UNDER ROMAN STAY-AT-HOME ORDERS What Satan meant for evil, God used for good. The Jewish leaders that brought charges against Paul in Jerusalem actually ended up elevating his status, so that he preached before soldiers, centurions, governors, kings and even Caesar. His appeal to Caesar resulted in an all-expense-paid trip to Rome (albeit
July 8, 2020
PAUL’S EYE-OPENING ASSIGNMENT Paul gave his faith testimony before the Roman governor Festus and the last of the House of Herod, King Agrippa II and his sister Bernice. In his testimony, he quoted the calling that Christ had given him. First, he was one “sent” (“I now send you”). The Greek word for this
July 6, 2020
DO YOU WEAR THE NAME OF THE NAZARENE? Some of the same group of Jewish leaders who had accused Jesus before Pontius Pilate, now traveled to Caesarea to bring accusation against the apostle Paul before the Roman governor, Felix. This time, they hired a Roman orator and attorney named Tertullus to represent their case. He
July 1, 2020
TWO GREAT EVANGELISTS SPEND SOME TIME TOGETHER After Paul’s third missionary journey, he and his companions sailed homeward, arriving at Caesarea Martima. This is where Herod the Great had built an amazing manmade harbor and named the city after his patron, Caesar Augustus. Paul’s traveling companions included Luke the physician, who kept a faithful diary,
June 30, 2020
REMEMBER THAT TIME WE ATTENDED AN ALL-NIGHT SERVICE IN TROAS? The disciples in the city of Troas gathered on a Sunday to hear Paul preach. They couldn’t get enough of the church-planting apostle’s words, so they sat listening to him all day, even unto midnight. What a great Sunday service this must’ve been. Unfortunately, a