January 7, 2014
The Bible is a book for us, but not really about us. It is a book about God. The Lord chooses to reveal Himself to Abram. With every turn of the page, the Bible records more about the Person and Character of God. Here, He identifies Himself as “El Shaddai-God Almighty,” the Omnipotent One. What does it mean to you that God is All-Powerful? What do you face today that requires His strength?
January 5, 2014
Abram, whose name means father, was called to leave his family and go to a land that God would show him. This is the story of the man of faith, whose name became Abraham, father of nations. He trusted God’s promises before seeing their proof. He obeyed God’s call. What has God called you to do?
January 1, 2014
It’s a new year and it can be a new “beginning” too. Because the God that “created the heavens and the earth” is the same God today as He was yesterday. He can make us a new creation in Christ. He is the Creator God. He stands outside of time, space and matter. He is wholly Other. But He is also the God that took on human flesh and died for us. He is both transcendent and immanent. He can change your life. He is the Author, not only of this Book, but of our salvation.
Welcome aboard another journey on the Bible Bus. All aboard for a new beginning! (This year I am following the NLT – New Living Translation)
January 24, 2013
On his deathbed, Israel (Jacob) blesses (prophesies over) each of his sons. This blessing over Judah is one of the clearest Messianic prophecies that the Christ would be born to the line of Judah. From that day forward the tribe of Judah takes the image of the lion as its symbol, flying it on a banner above their camp. The lion is the king of the jungle. And the Lion of Judah is Jesus the Christ, Son of Man, Son of God and King over all, “and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples.”
January 22, 2013
Joseph sees God’s purpose in being sold into slavery in Egypt. He forgives his brothers and welcomes them to live under his care. There is a foreshadowing of Christ in Joseph– the way he suffers betrayal and injustice before rising to become their savior and lord. The dreams he had as a boy of them bowing before him came true, but he did not rub it in. He sees God’s purpose and forgives. Joseph is a bright spot among Jacob’s brood. Ironically, the children of those who sold Joseph into slavery will become slaves themselves during the next 400 years in Egypt. Then, God will send another deliverer, Moses, to set them free. In all this, God is preparing them to recognize the coming Christ.
January 17, 2013
Jacob returned to the place where he’d had the “ladder” vision when first fleeing from Esau. The first time he was at Bethel, he was single, childless and afraid. This second visit, he returned with wives, concubines, servants, camels, donkeys, cattle, sheep and twelve sons. I wonder if he reflected on how far God had brought him since his earlier visit? It’s good to go back to the place where you first felt close to God. It often helps put us back on track when we’ve lost our way. It surely helped Jacob to be reminded of God’s name change (his new identity) and God’s purpose for him.
January 16, 2013
Jacob got a new name after wrestling all night with God. Instead of the name “Jacob,” a name that came from his grasping his twin brother Esau’s heel at birth, (Perhaps we get the phrase “you’re pulling my leg” from this), his name became “Israel,” one who prevailed with God. God gave Jacob a new identity. He went from being the schemer to the spiritual founder of the 12 tribes of Israel. Along with his new name, God caused him to walk with a limp for the rest of his life. Ironically, God pulled Jacob’s leg until it popped out of joint. From that day forward, Jacob began to learn to lean on God rather than his own scheming.
January 13, 2013
Jacob, sleeping on a rock for a pillow, dreamt of a ladder that connected heaven and earth. He heard God promise that his offspring would fill the earth and that through them all peoples would be blessed. He awoke and named the place “Bethel” (“beth” house + “el” god). I’m sure he meditated on this vision for the rest of his life. I wonder, did he foresee that God’s Son would be born into the line of his son, Judah? Did he understand that God would send Jesus as the Ladder of Love to open the way to heaven for those who would believe?
January 11, 2013
Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of porridge. This is a picture of one prizing physical and temporal things over spiritual reward. Esau, son of Isaac, son of Abraham, was the rightful heir of the Abrahamic promises, but he had no desire for such things. Which do you prize more? Earthly treasure or eternal reward?
January 2, 2013
The first temptation by the serpent was to question God’s Word. His evil strategy hasn’t changed. It’s not enough to know the Word, we must also believe it. Let’s counter today’s culture of biblical illiteracy and doubt. Read, know and believe God’s Word.