December 20, 2013
The prophet Haggai wrote during the time when Israel’s remnant returned from Babylonian captivity. The temple lay in ruins. Yet, the people were not inclined to rebuild it. They were focused on their own houses and excused their behavior by saying to themselves, “The time has not yet come to rebuild the Lord’s house.” This prompted the Lord to ask them a question about the timing for their own homes being built. These were not mere shelters to help them survive. These were fine “paneled” houses, meaning they had been in the land long enough to start prospering and yet, they ignored the Lord’s house. The Lord’s question exposed their true priorities. They were not putting God first. The wonderful difference between their response and the response of their pre-exile forefathers is that they repented. They obeyed. And the Lord “stirred” their spirits and they went to work!