November 4, 2015
Our hope is like a rope, anchored in the historical resurrection of Christ in the past, taken hold of by our hands of faith in the present, and proceeding into the future beyond the veil of heaven where the risen Lord has entered on our behalf. This hope is not ethereal, but both “sure and steadfast.” It is not hanging unhindered, but anchored at both ends. It is drawn taut between Christ’s resurrection and return. We cling to this cord of hope with hearts of faith, trusting His promises and assured by His Spirit’s presence within. Our hope is made of sturdy stuff.
November 1, 2015
Just as the Israelites wandered the wilderness for 40 years and died because they didn’t believe that God could give them rest in the promised land, so today unbelief keeps people from entering God’s rest. This rest is not a place, but a person, for Christ is God’s sabbath rest. Those who come to Him believing will find rest for their souls. They can stop their wandering and enter in believing.
October 31, 2015
Praying to Jesus, we do not pray to one who is distant and unaware of our feelings and temptations. He has suffered and been tempted, yet without sin. He is well acquainted with our griefs. Do not try and overcome temptation alone. Cry out to the One who knows and cares. He is the Overcomer and in Him, so are we.
October 30, 2015
This Hebrews passage is one of the four pillars of Christology (John 1, Phil. 2, and Col.1 are the other three). Here, we see His threefold office of Prophet, Priest and King revealed.
1) Prophet: “spoken to us by His Son.” He is God’s ultimate, supreme and final revelation.
2) Priest: “purged our sins.” He is both God’s great high priest and perfect sacrifice.
3) King: “heir of all… made the worlds… brightness of His glory… express image… upholding all… right hand of Majesty.” He is owner, creator, God of very God, sustainer and king.
This is whom we have believed and received. This is our Redeemer and Friend, Jesus Christ. There is no other name by which we may be saved (Acts 4:12). Worship Him!
December 14, 2014
Hebrews 4:14-16
Pastor Gary Combs continues the Christmas sermon series “The Three Gifts” with this message from the book of Hebrews. In this message the gift of frankincense is explored as a gift fit for a divine high priest. In the book of Hebrews, Jesus is declared to be the supreme Mediator, Friend and Advocate.
November 16, 2014
This prayer for our equipping and sanctification reveals God’s method for making us “pleasing to him.” It is none other than the power of Christ in us. We can pray this prayer too. Praying it for ourselves, we yield our wills to His, and acknowledge our dependence on Christ’s power. Praying it for others, we focus on Christ-at-work in others, rather than their shortcomings.
November 15, 2014
The image of God as a devouring ( KJV “consuming”) fire is one that seeks to reveal the strictness of his justice, the purity of his holiness and the passion of his love for us. We may boldly approach him through Christ, our Great High Priest, yet we do so reminded of how Moses approached the mountain with fear and trembling.
November 12, 2014
The assumption that the origin of the universe can be extrapolated from its present visible condition is here denied. The Bible teaches that God spoke the universe into existence, ex nihilo – out of nothing. We were not there when this happened, but God has revealed this to us through His Word. According to Hebrews, those listed in chapter eleven’s “faith hall of fame” had a faith that included this foundational truth: God created the universe and we are His creation.
November 11, 2014
How can we “motivate one another?” By reminding one another of our full access to the Father through Christ’s sacrifice and by acknowledging our unwavering hope for the future because of God’s promise in Christ. Meeting together regularly for worship and mutual encouragement fans the flame of our passion for God. With power for the present, hope for the future and mutual encouragement, we are free to love and do the good works that God planned for us in Christ.
November 9, 2014
Christ’s sacrifice was sufficient for the salvation of all who would receive it. He has paid our debt in full. When Christ returns, it will not be to “deal with our sins,” for He has finished that work. Jesus has already brought us out from under sin’s penalty. He will return to bring us into His glory and presence forever.