October 14, 2012
Hebrews 11:1-10
Pastor Gary Combs continues the “Time to Thrive” series with this message from Hebrews 11 entitled: “Time for Faith.” In the book of Hebrews we read that “faith alone pleases God.” Hebrews chapter 11 is like the Faith Hall of Fame. It lists people who have pleased God because of their faith. We can have faith that pleases God.
November 15, 2011
Have you said ‘No’ to God? Think back to the moment when you stopped hearing from God and you’ll remember your heart’s refusal. Perhaps it was only a small nudge to talk to stranger or to turn back to a store clerk and smile, but that was the moment God’s gentle voice went silent. Don’t refuse the God who speaks. Say ‘Yes!’
November 14, 2011
Running the race of faith, it is Jesus who sets the pace. We must keep our eyes on Him, sprinting and leaping when He does and resting too. It is Jesus who wrote the gospel in His own blood. And it is Jesus who finishes the work in us by His resurrected life. Keep your eyes on Jesus.
November 11, 2011
Today is Veterans Day. Originally called Armistice Day, marking the end of WWI, it’s name was changed after WWII to honor all vets. It’s good to remember those who have suffered for freedom’s sake. Remember.
November 10, 2011
Those who accept Christ’s sacrifice for their sins are justified before God. All of their sins, past, present and future are atoned for. They are free from condemnation. This is our assurance of salvation. We are saved by grace and kept by grace. We are made saints of God.
November 9, 2011
Christ’s return is as certain as His first appearance. Meditate on this. When expecting guests, do you not get your house in order and prepare to meet them? Are you ready for His return?
November 6, 2011
Jesus is able to save to the uttermost. He doesn’t just throw us a lifeline to stop our drowning in sin. He jumps in and carries us all the way to shore. We’re not only saved in the moment, but saved forever. And not only saved but adopted into His family.
November 2, 2011
If God stirs your heart, yet you do not obey, your heart becomes increasingly hardened. Each time you deny Him the callous thickens. Eventually, your heart will be so insulated from God’s call that you’ll think He no longer speaks. The antidote? Start saying “Yes!” when you hear His voice.
October 30, 2011
Jesus is the final and supreme revelation. All Scripture points to and is fulfilled in Him. He is the Incarnate Word of God. He is the complete communication of God’s love for us. Listen to Him.
June 26, 2011
Hebrews 8-10
Pastor Gary Combs concludes his four part series entitled, “Four Pillars of Christology” with this message from Hebrews. In this passage the phrase, “the Son is the radiance of God’s glory,” is of particular interest. This message teaches that Jesus is the beauty of God and the supreme revelation of God.