November 11, 2022
DON’T THROW AWAY YOUR SHIELD OF FAITH After a season of suffering we are tempted to timidity and cowardice. We fear persecution and pain, so we hide from the fight. We lose a battle, so we retreat from the war. Yet, the Word teaches us not to “throw away” our “confident trust,” which is the
November 8, 2022
THE SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING OF THE TABERNACLE The Holy Spirit was the inspiration for understanding the meaning of the Tabernacle and how it pointed to its fulfillment in Christ. For the place called the “Most Holy Place” is a reference to the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle, wherein the High Priest was only able to
November 6, 2022
A BETTER HOPE The law can reflect, but not perfect. The law itself is perfect. For it is from God, but it has no power to make perfect. It is like a mirror that reveals our sinful imperfection, but it has no power to remove it. Instead of bringing us closer to God, the law
November 4, 2022
HOPE LIKE A ROPE Christian hope is not like the world’s hope. It isn’t like saying “I hope it doesn’t rain this weekend.” For that hope is a mere wish built on nothing but a desire. Christian hope is like a rope, anchored in the historical resurrection of Jesus Christ in the past, taken hold
November 3, 2022
MILK OR MEAT? The author of Hebrews explained that the basic teachings about Christ had to be covered again with them, because they were not growing in their understanding of God’s Word. They had been believers so long that they ought to be teaching others, but they were still like spiritual babes who needed to
October 31, 2022
HOW JESUS HAS CHANGED OUR STATUS Receiving Christ’s sacrifice on the cross as payment for our sins we are made children of God. This spiritual transaction changes our status in at least three ways: 1) FROM SINFUL TO RIGHTEOUS – Christ took our sin upon Himself and the Father counted His righteousness as ours for
August 21, 2022
Hebrews 10:19-25
What’s your level of confidence that you have been forgiven of your sins and born again as a new creation in Christ Jesus? “I hope so?” Or “I’ve tried to live a good life, so I hope so?”
But wouldn’t you like to change “I hope so” to “I know so”? Is that possible? Yes, according to God’s Word, you can be assured, you can be confident that you belong to God’s family through faith in Christ Jesus. In the book of Hebrews, believers were told that they could have confidence that they belonged to God’s family through faith in Christ Jesus. We can be confident that we belong to God’s family through faith in Christ Jesus.
November 16, 2021
RELYING ON THE NEVER CHANGING CHRIST IN AN EVER CHANGING WORLD The author of Hebrews warned believers not to be “led astray” by strange and various teachings that might come along. They were to remember the teachings and conduct of those who first shared the gospel with them and discipled them in the Word. In
November 15, 2021
DO YOU OBEY THE ONE WHO SPEAKS? Have you ever refused to listen to the Spirit of Christ? Has He knocked at your heart’s door and been refused entrance? Consider those in the Old Testament who refused to obey God when He spoke. What became of them? And now, Jesus, the One who mediates the
November 14, 2021
KEEPING YOUR FOCUS ON JESUS Running the race of faith, it is Jesus who sets the pace for us. So we must keep our eyes on Him, sprinting and leaping when He does. And turning aside to rest when He does too. For Jesus is both the Founder and the Finisher of our faith. He