May 23, 2019
SIN GOES OUT INTO THE NIGHT The one who leaves Jesus and his disciples to go “out into the night” will hurt Christ and his church, but in the end will be the one most harmed by that decision. That is what sin does. It caused Adam to hide in the shadows of the garden
May 20, 2019
DO YOU KNOW THE ONE WHO CAN COMMAND THE DEAD TO RISE? The One who had said, “Let there be light,” later entered into this sin darkened world to bring light once again. He spoke resurrection life to a four-days-dead man, shouting, “Lazarus, come forth!” He called to him specifically because otherwise all the dead
May 19, 2019
John 14:6
What do you believe? Is Jesus the only way to God or not? How do we answer this question? Perhaps the best way is to look at what Jesus claims for Himself. What does Jesus say? In the gospel of John, Jesus told his disciples that they could only be made right with God by placing their trust in Him. We can understand why we can only be made right with God by placing our trust in Jesus.
May 14, 2019
JESUS NEITHER CONDEMNS NOR CONDONES OUR SIN Jesus mediated between the adulteress and her accusers, yet still called her out of her sinful lifestyle. For Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world, but that through Him it might be saved (John 3:17). As the Son of God, He is both the
May 9, 2019
DO YOU FOLLOW THE MASTER OR THE MIRACLES? The apostle John reported that huge crowds began to follow Jesus in the Galilee region because of his miracles. The crowds grew even larger when Jesus fed the 5,000, miraculously multiplying two fish and five loaves of barley to feed them all with twelve baskets leftover. Yet,
May 8, 2019
WHOSE APPROVAL DO YOU SEEK? Jesus contrasted his motives with that of the Jewish leaders who questioned his authority. He boldly told them that their approval meant nothing to him (v.41). For he only sought the approval of his Father in whose name he had come. However, he accused them of only caring for the
May 7, 2019
JOINING THE FATHER IN HIS WORK Jesus described His activity as being inspired by and empowered by the Father. He did nothing by himself. He spoke and moved as the Father did. There is a great principle on how to live the abiding life on display here. Rather than asking God to join us in
May 5, 2019
DOING GOD’S WILL IS LIKE FOOD FOR THE SOUL When the disciples returned from the town of Sychar with food for lunch, they found Jesus at Jacob’s well speaking with a Samaritan woman. They encouraged Jesus to eat something, but He answered that He had food of a kind they knew nothing about. When they
May 2, 2019
DO YOU SEEK THE SIGNS OR THE SAVIOR? This was the first of seven “signs” that the apostle John recorded in his gospel. John calls them signs and not miracles because signs point to something other than themselves. On a trip a few years ago to see the Grand Canyon, I noticed “Grand Canyon” road
April 30, 2019
THE WORD THAT WALKED AMONG US John began his gospel as Moses began the Torah, “In the beginning…” This signals the lofty aspect of John’s gospel that clearly proclaims Jesus as God’s Son. Using the Greek for “word” (λόγος, logos), John proclaims Jesus as not only equal to God in every way (essence, preexistence, eternality,