August 28, 2011
John 5-8
Pastor Gary Combs continues the series through the Gospel of John entitled “BELIEVE.” This message from chapter 5 through 8 asks “Does it matter what we believe?” John says that it does as he shares the claims of Jesus and the witnesses and proofs to those claims. Jesus claims to be God!
August 21, 2011
John 4
Pastor Gary Combs continues the series through the Gospel of John entitled “BELIEVE.” This message from chapter 4 looks at the way hearing and believing are connected.
August 14, 2011
John 3
Pastor Gary Combs continues the BELIEVE series looking at the word “believe” in the Gospel of John. This message focuses on John 3 and the three “musts” for believing revealed in this chapter.
August 7, 2011
John 1-2
Pastor Gary Combs begins a new 7-week sermon series through the Gospel of John looking at the word “Believe.” In this first message from John 1-2, he talks about the kind of believing that Jesus believes.
June 5, 2011
John 1:1-18
christology, jesus, theology
Pastor Gary Combs begins a four-week series entitled “Four Pillars of Christology.” This series will be a study of the person of Christ. This first message is taken from John 1:1-18, where the Scripture says that Jesus is the “Word made flesh.”
June 2, 2011
John the Beloved refers to himself in this self-deflecting way. His gospel is an eye witness testimony, containing more detail and dialogue than the other gospels. The word “believe” is prominent, occurring 76 times. John wants us to believe.
June 1, 2011
John said that he wrote his gospel so that those who hadn’t seen Jesus themselves might believe. And believing that they might have eternal life in His Name. We can read God’s Word and believe.
May 28, 2011
What Jesus prayed for us. “Sanctify” (make holy, set apart) them. Jesus prayed that the Father would cause His Word to set us apart for special use. Holiness is not so much the absence of sin as the presence of God’s special calling and spiritual life within us.
May 27, 2011
Jesus has not yet taken His flock out of the world and its trouble. But He has overcome the world and through Him we are overcomers too. Don’t be surprised when trouble comes. He said it would. Instead, take heart! Face trouble with overcoming faith.
May 26, 2011
Our power for witnessing comes from the One who testifies about Jesus to us. The Spirit doesn’t speak of Himself. He speaks of Christ. When we depend on His power, we bear spiritual fruit.