April 15, 2021
WHERE IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD? Where is the kingdom of God? And when will it come? The Pharisees asked Jesus to show them the kingdom. But He warned them that it was not yet something they could observe. They were looking for the outward evidence of pomp and power from a conquering king, while
April 14, 2021
NOT MORE PROOF, BUT LESS PRIDE This was Abraham’s response to the rich man who while in torment in Hades begged for Lazarus to return to warn his brothers of the reality of heaven and hell. This dialogue was the conclusion to a story that Jesus told to illustrate the way people would refuse to
April 12, 2021
WHAT WILL IT TAKE FOR YOU TO COME TO YOUR SENSES? Jesus told a parable about a father and two sons. The younger one was rebellious and took his portion of his father’s wealth and squandered it in riotous living. When his money had run out, a famine came, and he took a job feeding
April 11, 2021
THE COST OF FOLLOWING JESUS Jesus gave the example of counting the cost before building a tower to illustrate the importance of doing the same before making a decision to follow Him. It’s true that Jesus has paid for our salvation, so we may receive it freely by faith. Yet saying yes to so great
April 8, 2021
WHAT DOES BEING READY LOOK LIKE? Jesus told a parable about a master returning from a wedding banquet and how his servants should be ready to open the door of his house the moment he knocks. He could return any hour of the night, so they must always be ready. Jesus told this parable
April 7, 2021
WHAT DELIGHTS THE FATHER? Giving. That’s what make the Father happy. He loves to give. Jesus told His “little flock” of disciples not to worry nor be afraid about material things. For the Father loves to give. So, don’t concern yourself with food and clothes, houses and wealth. The Father “will meet all your
April 4, 2021
THE ONE NECESSARY THING Martha was working hard in the kitchen while her sister, Mary, sat at the feet of Jesus listening. Martha was hurt, feeling that Jesus didn’t care that her sister had left her serving alone. But Jesus approved of Mary’s choice to sit and listen to Him, enjoying His presence without working.
April 3, 2021
OUR LONGINGS FULFILLED IN JESUS Jesus told His disciples that they were blessed because they were privileged to see and hear that which their forefathers had long awaited. The coming of the Messiah had been prophesied since the Garden when God spoke to the serpent saying that the woman’s “Seed shall bruise your head, and
April 1, 2021
CHRIST’S MISSION ACCOMPLISHED Jesus took His inner circle of disciples, Peter, James and John, up on a mountain to pray. As usual, they fell asleep, but they awoke suddenly to discover a change. The veil separating this world from the next had been pulled back. They saw the appearance of Christ’s face changed, and His
March 29, 2021
IS JESUS IN YOUR BOAT? A fierce storm blew down onto the Sea of Galilee threatening to sink the boat with Jesus and His disciples aboard. Even the professional fishermen like Peter, James and John were afraid. Yet, Jesus remained asleep, untroubled by the storm. The disciples woke Jesus with shouts of “We’re going to