April 14, 2011
Neither the Written nor the Risen Word of God will save those beyond listening or conviction. Pray that their deaf ears are opened and their darkened minds enlightened, so that the spiritually resistant become receptive.
April 14, 2011
Neither the Written nor the Risen Word of God will save those beyond listening or conviction. Pray that their deaf ears are opened and their darkened minds enlightened, so that the spiritually resistant become receptive.
April 11, 2011
We have been commissioned to deliver Christ’s Kingdom Banquet invitations. Are you giving them out? Because Jesus wants His house full.
April 7, 2011
What do you treasure most? House, car, clothes, jewelry, computer, or money in the bank? Do your possessions possess you? Or do you use your possessions to win friends for the Kingdom? What you value reveals your heart condition.
April 4, 2011
Are you a Mary or a Martha today? Have you made the Lord your one thing or are you worried about many things?
April 3, 2011
When the 70 returned from witnessing, the Lord was overjoyed. That’s what you feel when you share the gospel, the joy of Christ!
March 28, 2011
How we respond to the Written Word reflects our relationship to the Incarnate Word. Those born again have ears attuned to the spiritual frequency of God’s Word and new hearts that beat to obey it.
March 27, 2011
Our love for Christ is connected to an awareness of our own sinfulness. As long as one speck of self-righteousness remains in us, love for the Redeemer will be lacking.
March 24, 2011
Have you ever stayed up all night talking to one you love? Did you complain of being sleepy? Did you reach for a sleeping pill? Or were you surprised that the sun came up so soon? I wonder what Jesus spoke of with His Father.
March 22, 2011
Following Jesus we learn His rhythm of working out of rest. Lord, teach us to work out of a place that is fully secure and at rest in You. Not striving, thriving.
March 21, 2011
Will you go deep and let down today?