April 2, 2022
JESUS SET HIS FACE FOR THE FINISH Jesus was determined to go to Jerusalem. As he traveled from Galilee, he sought to take the direct route through Samaria, but they would not receive him. Their rejection was a foreshadowing of the rejection he would face in Jerusalem. Yet, he was resolute, literally he “set his
March 29, 2022
DOES YOUR FAMILY KNOW WHAT GOD HAS DONE FOR YOU? When Jesus freed the man living in the tombs of the Gedarenes of demon possession, he begged to go with Jesus. The man had been living in terrible misery, possessed by so many demons that they answered, “Legion” when Jesus asked their name. Yet
March 28, 2022
IS YOUR SPIRITUAL LIFE GETTING LOST IN THE WEEDS? Jesus told a parable about a farmer who scattered seed that fell onto four types of soil. The seed represented God’s Word and the four soils represented four heart conditions of spiritual receptivity. The first was the foot path, representing a hard or closed heart that
March 26, 2022
JESUS INTERRUPTS A FUNERAL PROCESSION When Jesus encountered the crying widow of Nain walking behind her only son’s coffin in a funeral procession, he interrupted their progress (Who does that?). He was moved with compassion for the widow whose only link to a hopeful future lay in the casket. The rights and possessions of her
March 25, 2022
WHAT DO YOUR WORDS SAY ABOUT YOUR HEART TODAY? Jesus used the image of a tree and its fruit to teach a valuable lesson about how words reveal the heart. For just as figs aren’t found on thornbushes, so good words don’t emerge from one with an evil heart. So words are the fruit of
March 22, 2022
HE TOUCHED ME A man with leprosy fell on his face before Jesus saying, “Lord if you are willing, you can make me clean.” And the Lord, who could’ve healed him from a distance, came near and touched the leper and said, “I am willing; be healed.” Jesus was not only willing to heal the
March 21, 2022
GOING DEEPER WITH JESUS After Peter had fished all night, catching nothing, Jesus came to him, asking to use his boat. He needed it as a speaking platform to teach the crowds gathered there to hear Him. When He finished speaking, He told Peter to put the boat out into deep water and let down
March 20, 2022
FAMILIARITY IS NOT FAITH In the town of Nazareth, where Jesus had grown up, he returned from his forty days in the wilderness to begin his public ministry. He attended the local synagogue and chose the passage from the Isaiah scroll that spoke of the anointed one or Messiah who would come. Having read this
March 18, 2022
THE FELLOWSHIP OF LOVE AND JOY Consider the boundless love and unconquerable joy of God the Father for His Son, Jesus. Notice how the curtains of heaven were parted as the Father’s voice declared His divine approval at Christ’s baptism. Such love and joy is the eternal state of the Godhead. It was this love
March 17, 2022
HOW LONG BEFORE MISSING JESUS? Twelve year old Jesus traveled with his family to Jerusalem for the Passover festival as they did every year. They traveled with a large entourage of friends and family from Nazareth. It was a wonderfully joyous annual holiday. Yet, after traveling a day’s journey on the way back home, they