February 26, 2018
Jesus healed many that were blind with a single word or touch, yet in this case, the blind man received a second touch. He saw light without focus on the first touch, but the second touch of Jesus gave him clarity, so that he saw “everything clearly.” We must be careful making a theological comment on this narrative, for Christ gave no explanation. Yet, perhaps this account points to the spiritual reality that some come out of the darkness and into the light, seeing clearly after a single encounter with Jesus. While for others, as in the case of this blind man, it is more of a progression.
February 24, 2018
Jesus pointed out the hypocrisy of the Pharisee’s hand-washing rituals. For they were careful to wash their hands before putting food in their bodies, but not mindful of the sinful attitudes that originated within their hearts. Yet, who can cleanse dirty hearts?
Only Christ can cleanse us from the sin that defiles our hearts. As the apostle Paul wrote, “He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people” (Titus 2:14).
February 23, 2018
When the disciples came to Jesus telling Him to send the hungry crowds away to get something to eat, He told the disciples, “You feed them.” You have to be careful what you ask of Jesus. He might just tell you to be the answer to the very need you lifted up to Him. In the case of the disciples, He had them do an inventory of the need, bring what food they discovered to Him to bless it, organize the people in groups, and then distribute the food. Jesus called them to meet the need that they seen with what they had, trusting Him to fill up the difference.
What can we learn from this?
February 22, 2018
When Jesus began teaching and performing miracles in His hometown of Nazareth, “He was amazed at their unbelief.” Can you imagine that? That the Son of God was “amazed” at the lack of faith He saw in the very neighbors that should have known Him best?
Those that have grown up going to church and hearing the gospel must be careful to examine their faith. For they are at risk of being like the folks of Nazareth. Although they had known Jesus for years and claimed him as a neighbor, they still did not place their faith in Him. Familiarity is not faith.
February 21, 2018
Jesus was on His way to heal Jairus’ daughter when messengers came to inform them that she had died. In response, Jesus told Jairus to have faith rather than fear. Jesus often put fear and faith as opposite choices that people could make as an act of the will. When Jesus arrived at Jairus’ house, He raised his daughter from the dead.
Fear seems like an automatic response rather than an act of the will. But Jesus teaches that we can learn to choose faith over fear.
Is this possible? That we can learn to replace our fear with faith?
February 20, 2018
Jesus told the disciples that He wanted to take the boat to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. So, they pushed off and Jesus lay down to sleep in the back of the boat after a long day of ministry. Soon a fierce storm came up and threatened to sink the boat. Fearful, they awoke Jesus and He stilled the storm with a simple command. Then, asked them why they were afraid and why they lacked faith.
Four observations:
1) Jesus led them into the storm.
2) Jesus was with them, but was sleeping.
3) Jesus had the power to still the storm.
4) Jesus made a point to question why they chose fear over faith.
What can we learn from this story?
February 19, 2018
Jesus instructed His disciples to “pay close attention” to His teachings. For the “closer” they listened, the more they would receive understanding from His Word. This principle seems obvious: “listen and learn.” Yet, there is a spiritual component. For Christ is making a promise to those that pay close attention to His teachings that they will be given more and more understanding. This is why we love God’s Word. We read it everyday and everyday it brings new meaning to our lives.
August 27, 2017
Mark 12:30
celebrate, three commitments, worship
Love and joy and celebration are connected. And where you focus your heart, where you put your affection, your first love, affects everything. What do you love first? You can tell by what you put first. Who or what comes first in your life? What are you celebrating? What is so important to you that you’re throwing a party, blowing out candles, setting off fireworks for, standing on your feet cheering for it?
Did you know that God cares about what you celebrate? In the book of Mark, Jesus was asked what was the greatest commandment. In a sense he was asked to simplify all of the writings of Scripture down to one simple statment. Jesus didn’t pause. He gave them a simple command to celebrate God with all of their love.
March 19, 2017
Mark 15:33-39
crucifixion, jesus
In this sermon, we will be looking at the fourth of His last sayings, the word of despair. We will consider Christ’s questioning cry, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
Have you ever cried out to God like Jesus did? Have you ever felt forsaken and alone? Have you ever felt distant from God? Have you cried, “God, where are you?” We all feel lonely at times. We all want acceptance. We want to be accepted and approved. But instead, we often feel rejected and alone. The truth is, if we would rightly understand how our sins have separated us from our Creator, we would cry out with a deeper feeling of despair than we’ve ever felt. It was for this, that Christ took on our despair, that we might receive in exchange, His oneness with God.
In the gospel of Mark, Jesus cried out in despair to God as He experienced the extravagant exchange that it cost Him for our reconciliation. We can understand the cost of this extravagant exchange.
March 11, 2017
At the sound of Jesus’ last cry, the thick curtain separating the Holy of Holies from the rest of the temple, was rent from top to bottom, opening the way. This must have been quite startling to the priests who witnessed it during the exact time of afternoon prayers. For it was at the “ninth hour” that Jesus cried out, which was the final time of daily prayers. The Jews counted time from sunrise at 6AM which they called the “first hour,” so the “ninth hour” would have been 3PM. There were three daily prayer times, except on the Sabbath when there were four. The daily prayer times were: Morning prayers at 9AM, Midday prayers at Noon, and Afternoon prayers at 3PM. It was during the third prayer time that Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying “It is finished!” (John 19:30). And the temple veil was torn asunder.
From that moment, Jesus, our Great High Priest, opened up “a new and living way” by His blood, so that we are able to enter the “Holiest” place and bring our requests before the Father (Heb. 10:19-22).