February 25, 2021
COMPASSION THAT MOVES US TO ACTION Jesus felt compassion for the hungry. He noticed their need and then took action to address it. We don’t read that the disciples felt compassion. When faced with human need we learn to turn a blind eye. There is so much need and we are so concerned with our
February 22, 2021
FAMILIARITY IS NOT FAITH When Jesus began teaching and performing miracles in His hometown of Nazareth, “He was amazed at their unbelief.” Can you imagine that? That the Son of God was “amazed” at the lack of faith He saw in the very neighbors that should have known Him best? Those that have grown
February 20, 2021
THE POWER OF ONE WITNESS In the region of the Gerasenes, on the Eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus encountered a man who was beset by a “legion” of unclean spirits. He commanded them to leave and the man was restored to his right mind. Afterwards, the man wanted to go with Jesus,
February 19, 2021
THE THORNY SOIL OF THE AMERICAN BELIEVER Jesus told a parable about a sower who sowed seed that fell on four types of soil. Some seed fell on a path, some in rocky soil, some fell in soil overgrown with thorns and some fell on good soil. Jesus later explained the parable to His disciples.
February 18, 2021
WANTED BY JESUS Jesus selected the twelve disciples that “He wanted.” Choosing them was preceded by His going up on the mountain alone to pray. It was there that He must have discussed each of the twelve candidates with His Father. Surely, the Father must have warned Him about the pros and cons of each,
February 17, 2021
WHAT DOES CHRIST SEE IN YOUR HEART? The Pharisees brought out the full range of emotion from our Lord Jesus. When He tried to show them the spirit of the Sabbath, they clung to the letter of the law, even that which they themselves had added to it. He asked them a simple question, one
February 16, 2021
FROM SICKNESS TO SERVICE After preaching in the Capernaum synagogue, Jesus went to Peter’s home, where his mother-in-law lay sick in bed with a fever. So Jesus went to her at once. He healed her and she began to serve them. Let us consider the details. First, notice that Jesus “went to her.” When
February 15, 2021
THE GOSPEL IS GOOD NEWS! Jesus began His public ministry in Galilee, preaching the good news of God, which is the gospel. What was the good news that Christ preached? First, He preached that the “time is fulfilled.” The time of Israel’s waiting and watching for the Messiah was complete. Jesus the Messiah had
March 11, 2020
DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT JESUS ACCOMPLISHED? At the sound of Jesus’ last cry, the thick curtain separating the Holy of Holies from the rest of the temple, was rent from top to bottom, opening the way. This must have been quite startling to the priests who witnessed it during the exact time of afternoon prayers.
March 9, 2020
WHAT HYMN DID JESUS SING THE NIGHT BEFORE? On the Thursday night before His crucifixion, Jesus and His disciples sang a hymn together after finishing the Passover meal. My first observation is that Jesus sang. O what joy it must have been to hear His voice sing praises to God! How wonderful to have been